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Junior High School

A. Educational Service Contracting

          ATHENEUM is a certified ESC school. The ESC is a public-private partnership program by the Department of Education (DepEd) and Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) which provides financial assistance to deserving elementary school graduates who wish to study Junior High School in private schools. Preference shall be given to graduates of public elementary schools but is definitely open to Grade 6 graduates of ATHENEUM and transferees from other private schools as well, who may qualify because of low income. A successful grantee receives an amount of ₱9,000/year starting from Grade 7 until Grade 10.


          ATHENEUM is a certified ESC school. The ESC is a public-private partnership program by the Department of Education (DepEd) and Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) which provides financial assistance to deserving elementary school graduates who wish to study Junior High School in private schools. Preference shall be given to graduates of public elementary schools but is definitely open to Grade 6 graduates of ATHENEUM and transferees from other private schools as well, who may qualify because of low income. A successful grantee receives an amount of ₱9,000/year starting from Grade 7 until Grade 10.

B. Online Campus

Our goal is to provide a learning space and mode of delivery for students to continue their education, in the form of an online campus. ATHENEUM acknowledges that its students are currently located in various learning contexts; hence, the program offerings have been redesigned with versatility and flexibility as the main features of its content and mode of delivery.


A. Curriculum

C. Curriculum

          The Junior High School Curriculum of ATHENEUM manifests deep concern for the quality education offered to its students through the academic curriculum and instructional programs.

          ATHENEUM conducted a curriculum review to determine the content to be taught this school year. The outcome is a curriculum that is streamlined and flexible. The paring down of content and skills is necessary to ensure that equally essential learning areas will be covered despite the shift to online distance learning and shorter class time this school year. The adjustments are consistent with DepEd’s Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs).

B. Subject Offerings

D. Subject Offerings

       Hence, the school’s academic curriculum is over and above the DepEd requirements. In line with the implementation of the K-12 Program, the enhanced curriculum of the school offers a more balanced approach to learning that will equip students with the 21st century skills and essential competencies for lifelong learning.


E. Learning Model

Modality Fully online (no face-to-face classes in the campus)
Pacing Class-paced
Student-Teacher Ratio 30 students to 1 teacher for whole class learning periods*
*These will be indicated in the class schedule
Teacher Role Online and Offline Active instruction online and asynchronous communications and consultations offline
Student Role Online and Offline (1) listen and read, (2) complete seat works and other assessments on time, (3) explore simulations and resources, (4) collaborate with peers
Role of Online Assessments Provide student and teacher with information about learning state
Online Communication Synchronous and asynchronous
Source of Feedback Teacher

C. Learning Model

         To implement flexible teaching and learning, the school uses the Online Distance Learning (ODL) model.

  1. Teachers facilitate instruction and the students learn from their homes.
  2. Learning is both sychronous and asynchronous.

  1. Synchronous – An online platform or tool is used to conduct classes and learning activites in real time. This is through videoconferencing, chatting, or messaging.
  2. Asynchronous – Time in between classes will be used by the students to accomplish tasks that are scheduled in the Learning Playlist.

  1. The learning design dimensions are as follows:

Modality Fully online (no face-to-face classes in the campus)
Pacing Class-paced
Student-Teacher Ratio 30 students to 1 teacher for whole class learning periods*
*These will be indicated in the class schedule
Teacher Role Online and Offline Active instruction online and asynchronous communications and consultations offline
Student Role Online and Offline (1) listen and read, (2) complete seat works and other assessments on time, (3) explore simulations and resources, (4) collaborate with peers
Role of Online Assessments Provide student and teacher with information about learning state
Online Communication Synchronous and asynchronous
Source of Feedback Teacher

F. Learning Experiences

         The online learning plan of every teacher has tasks and activities that are carefully curated to ensure that DepEd’s Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) and the school’s academic standards are met, and students are motivated and engaged in the teaching-learning process. In the new classroom environment, the students are primed to be responsible for their own learning as the teacher facilitates instruction.

On Your Own With Your Teacher
Students’ interest is piqued with novel ideas and prior knowledge is activated
  • Brainstorm
  • Ask questions
  • Access prior knowledge
  • Brainstorm (Sticky Notes, MindMeister)
  • Polls and Surveys (Mentimeter, Google Forms)
  • Icebreaker discussion question (ClassPoint, SharePoint, Discussion Board)
Students actively explore new concepts, knowledge or skill through concrete learning
  • Read books and articles
  • Crowdsource
  • Watch videos
  • Research (Google Search)
  • Watch videos (YouTube, Khan Academy, TedEd)
  • Virtual reality field trips
Students synthesize new knowledge and ask questions if they need further clarification
  • Ready study guides
  • Discuss with parents, guardian or tutor
  • Peer teaching (phone or videoconferencing)
  • Email (Webmail)
  • Recorded video lectures
  • Slide presentation with voice-over (PowerPoint)
  • Audio podcasts
  • Peer-to-peer learning (Flipgrid)
  • Live online classes (via Zoom)
  • Online Conference (Breakout Rooms)
  • Audio Call (e.g. Messenger Rooms)
Students apply what they have learned to develop a deeper understanding
  • Make connections between different disciplines
  • Create a real-world application
  • Apply learning to new situations
  • Edublogs (WordPress, TypePad)
  • Digita exhbitions
  • Other student-created materials and content (Flipgrid, Piktochart, Canva)
Students demonstrate their understanding and skills and reflect on the learning process
  • Answer activity sheets
  • Answer seatworks
  • Write learning journals and self- reflective essays
  • Practice and master concepts and skills (Quizlet, Kahoot, Quizziz)
  • Self-reflection videos, animations (CapCut)
  • E-Portfolio
  • Create and share performance tasks
  • Online quizzes
  • Oral Exams

  1. Digital instructional materials are given at the beginning of every quarter. These are learning resources (self-learning study guides, presentation slides, activity sheets, task sheets, graphic organizers, and other assessments prepared by teachers of all subjects. The digital files can be accessed to the school’s official Learning Management System (LMS) – Quipper!
  2. Electronic Textbooks (E-books) for some subjects are used as references and guide for independent learning and supplementary materials for online learning.
  3. Instructional materials and resources are uploaded regularly using the grade level Learning Playlist in the LMS for students’ use as they learn independently or learn with the teacher.

  1. The materials to be used for the week are uploaded before classes start on Monday, so students and parents or guardians can access them as the school week starts. Downloading the materials before the school week begins is recommended to families whose Internet connection is limited or unstable.
  2. Upload instructional materials include (1) recordings of online synchronous activities, (2) videos of PowerPoint presentations, (3) links to resources for skill practice, knowledge building, enrichment, and lesson extension, and (4) digital files of study guides for all subjects.

Learning Playlist

This is a weekly planner/checklist containing the sequence of lessons and activities that students need to complete per day.

Homeroom Period

The first period of classes where the students meet with their advisers for daily monitoring and other holistic activities.

Academic Breaks

These are quarterly breaks given to the students after their week-long examination for their wellness and mental health welfare. .

Consultation Period

A special one-on-one remedial session scheduled by either the student or the teacher to provide academic assistance to those students who may need more help with the lessons.


G. Special Talks

         These are webinars on various topics to support the welfare, well-being, and needs of students while maximizing technology and online platforms most especially in addressing mental and emotional health.

H. Co-Curricular Activities

         These include Homeroom Class Officers, Assembly of Class Presidents, The Angles, online school competitions such as Math and Science quiz bees and other inter-school online competitions such as Virtual Campus Journalism contest.

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