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Information Technology (IT) Services

ComLab 2

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I. Objective

          To provide clear direction to all employees including students regarding policies and procedures on the use of Information Technology (IT).

II. Scope

          This section outlines policies, procedures, and proper use of information technology (IT), and covers both ATHENEUM students and faculty/staff.

III. Policies

II. Policies

A. Use of IT Equipment

  • PC, printers and other computer peripherals shall be turned off when leaving the office/ computer rooms except those areas requiring continuous operation of IT equipment (i.e. server room).
  • Computers shall always be shut down properly.
  • The authority and responsibility to install, upgrade or modify any hardware or software rests solely on the ITS.
  • The ITS shall be responsible for the daily updating of antivirus programs installed in the servers. The ITS shall periodically give advisories to users to keep them informed on the best practices to combat computer viruses. It is the responsibility of the user to keep his/ her antivirus program updated regularly.
  • Scratch papers shall be used when printing draft reports, emails, or other reports/ documents that are to be used for internal filing and/or checking purposes only.
  • ATHENEUM issued computers and gadgets shall:
  • Be handled with utmost care, and used solely for academic/ official purposes;
  • Not be used for personal, commercial and other purposes not related to the official school functions or duties;
  • Only be used by ATHENEUM personnel/ student to whom ATHENEUM has officially assigned the computer or gadget;
  • Remain property of ATHENEUM, and shall not be loaned, sold, or bartered, traded, leased, rented or given to anyone at any circumstances.
  • 7.  ATHENEUM faculty/staff who were issued a computer or gadget shall be responsible for:
  • Its proper use in accordance with school guideline;
  • Protecting his/ her username and password to prevent unauthorized use and data breach;
  • Protecting and securing all data and information therein;
  • Its daily surface maintenance and care and report any problems and issues to it to the ITS.
  • 8.  Defective IT equipment should be reported immediately to the IT unit for action.

B. ATHENEUM Email Privileges

A. ATHENEUM Email Privileges

  • 1.  ATHENEUM grants email accounts to its faculty/staff and students only, subject to the following conditions:
  • The user shall not use email for purposes that are illegal, immoral and disallowed by ATHENEUM.
  • The user is responsible in maintaining his/her email files.
  • ITEM
  • The ITS shall have the sole authority to create and issue an official email account to each ATHENEUM faculty/staff and student. He/ She shall maintain an updated database of all official email accounts issued.
  • School email shall be used for academic and school-related communications only.
  • The use of school email for personal, commercial, or religious purposes such as: Netflix, Shopee, Lazada, G-Cash, Spotify, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media accounts is strictly prohibited. Thus, the same cannot be used to create accounts or to download applications from aforesaid websites in the internet.
  • Only official ATHENEUM email accounts can be used to log-in to the ATHENEUM Learning Management System.
  • ATHENEUM faculty/staff shall use ATHENEUM email for official communication. Thus, the use of school email for personal matters unrelated to any school activities/ projects, or to his/ her official function and duty is strictly prohibited.
  • School email should not be used to forward spam mails, advertisement, fake news, and other content unrelated to school activities
  • It is understood that email privileges shall be suspended/ terminated and the media containing the email files of the user shall be surrendered upon separation (graduation in the case of students), termination, resignation, retirement or other circumstances deemed legal by the PSHS, and subjected to clearance procedures.
  • 2. School email shall be used for academic and school-related communications only.
  • 3. The use of school email for personal, commercial, or religious purposes such as: Netflix, Shopee, Lazada, G-Cash, Spotify, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media accounts is strictly prohibited. Thus, the same cannot be used to create accounts or to download applications from aforesaid websites in the internet.
  • 4. Only official ATHENEUM email accounts can be used to log-in to the ATHENEUM Learning Management System.
  • 5. ATHENEUM faculty/staff shall use ATHENEUM email for official communication. Thus, the use of school email for personal matters unrelated to any school activities/ projects, or to his/ her official function and duty is strictly prohibited.
  • 6. School email should not be used to forward spam mails, advertisement, fake news, and other content unrelated to school activities

C. Use of Learning Management System (LMS)

B. Use of Learning Management System (LMS)

  • The LMS shall be used for school sanctioned academic learning and related projects and activities. Needless to say, the LMS shall not be used for chatting, spreading rumors, personal communication, or used as outlet for complaints and grievances.
  • Users of LMS are required to observe professional conduct and courtesy when communicating through the system.
  • Hacking or unlawful accessing of data from the system is strictly prohibited, and shall be considered as a form of data breach.
  • Users are prohibited from sharing the contents of the LMS to third party(ies) without prior written permission from school authorities e.g. Directress, Prep and Elementary Principal, High School Head, ITS Coordinator, Systems Administrator, and Data Privacy Officer/ Controller.
  • If authority to share content of the LMS to third party (ies) is granted by competent school authority, the content to be shared shall be limited to the extent covered by the "authority" granted to the requestor in his/ her official capacity. Unless, expressly stated in the "authority" duly cleared by the DPO/ PIC it shall exclude personal information, sensitive personal information, privileged communication, and similar other datal information restricted by the Data Privacy Act.
  • LMS users are only allowed to access, upload or modify contents of their respective account(s), subject to the conditions and restrictions of their assigned user privileges. Account owners shall be responsible for any unauthorized access or modification of contents to their account, regardless of the origin or location where the LMS was accessed. Thus, Account owners shall be responsible for safeguarding their usernames and passwords.
  • Proper referencing using APA, MLA, or other referencing convention shall be strictly observed when uploading materials that may be subject of copyright, including but not limited to materials obtained from open education resources.
  • LMS users are bound by Intellectual Property Rights Law (e.g. copyright, patent, etc.), Data Privacy Act, Cybercrime Act, and related regulations on the use of technology when using the LMS.

D. Educational Technology

C. Educational Technology

  • Provides direction in ensuring technological support for online learning in the ATHENEUM.
  • Recommends policies, procedures, and systems related to the assessment, acquisition, and effective use of digital technologies (including hardware, software, and applications) to the administration, faculty, and professionals needed for the effective conduct of online learning in the ATHENEUM.
  • Drafts documents or other communication related to the effective and acceptable use of digital technologies with a view to compiling these into a technical manual for online learning.
  • Determines the need for low bandwidth and printed versions of online learning modules.
  • Ensures the availability of technical support for the school’s online activities such as live streams, webinars, and other online activities.
  • Facilitates the provision of on-demand support and periodic learning sessions among the faculty and professionals as needed during the school year for online learning.
  • Periodically evaluates the use of technology in online learning in pursuit of continuing improvement during the school year.
  • Provides direction in ensuring technological support for online learning in the ATHENEUM.
  • Ensures the availability of technical support for the school’s online activities such as live streams, webinars, and other online activities.
  • Facilitates the provision of on-demand support and periodic learning sessions among the faculty and professionals as needed during the school year for online learning.

E. Authority to Install, Upgrade, and Delete

  • The authority and responsibility to install, upgrade or modify any hardware or software rests solely on the ITS.

F. Virus Prevention

  • The ITS is responsible for the daily updating of anti-virus programs installed in the servers. The ITS shall periodically give advisories to users to keep them informed in the best practices to combat viruses. It is the responsibility of the user to keep his/her anti-virus program updated regularly

G. Inventory and Maintenance

  • Inventory of IT Equipment and software shall be maintained by ITS.
  • ITS shall be responsible for the maintenance of IT equipment.

H. Backup and Recovery of Digital Files

  • School files in each computer unit shall be automatically backed-up periodically and maintained by the ITS.
  • ITS shall be tasked to restore data in the server in the event of data corruption or deletion.
  • Application error related to the system shall be reported immediately to the ITS personnel.

I. Penalties for Violation

D. Penalties for Violation

  • ATHENEUM personnel/ students who were found in violation of the above rules may be held accountable for appropriate administrative liabilities and sanctions under the ATHENEUM Code of Conduct, the Data Privacy Act, Cybercrime Law, and related issuances - for ATHENEUM personnel.

III. Procedures

A. Maintenance and Repair Procedures



IT Support Staff/ITS
















1.  Preventive Maintenance

  1. Prepares preventive maintenance schedule.
  2. Conducts scheduled preventive maintenance of all hardware and software.
  3. The scope of the maintenance on all workstation are as follows:
  1. Software – virus scanning, removal of virus, removal of non-work related software, such as computer games, etc.
  2. Hardware – cleaning and testing of computer peripherals and cleaning and testing of printers
  1. Updates and files Preventive Maintenance Schedule and Equipment History Card.


2.  Computer Repair

A. External Provider

  1. Receives duly accomplished and approved IT Job Request (ITJR) form for the repair of computer, IT equipment or peripherals.
  2. Assesses the request and recommends solution.
  3. Accomplishes Purchase Request (PR) and submits the same with accompanying ITJR to the procurement officer for the processing of external repair service.
  4. Prepares service report (if applicable) based on the scope of work done.
  5. Inspects the work done by the external provider.
  6. Updates the Equipment History Card.
  7. Asks external provider to sign on the Equipment History Card and ITJR after the repair and asks user to acknowledge on the ITJR.
  8. Files the records.


B. In-Campus

  1. Receives duly accomplished and approved IT Job Request (ITJR) form for the repair of computer, IT equipment or peripherals.
  2. Assesses the request and recommends solution.
  3. Sets tentative date and completion.
  4. Accomplishes Purchase Request (PR) and submits the same with accompanying ITJR to the procurement officer for the purchase of computer parts and other peripherals.
  5. Signs approval.
  6. Implements the approved repair activity.
  7. Updates the Equipment History Card.
  8. Asks user to acknowledge on the ITJR.
  9. Files the records.

B. Backup and Recovery of Digital Files



IT Support Staff/ITS
















1.  Backup

  1. Checks integrity of files to be backed up.
  2. Conducts offsite backup.
  3. Puts date of backup.
  1. Logs in the Data Backup Logbook
  2. Stores the backup media in an offsite storage area.


2.  Recovery

  1. Receives the duly accomplished and approved IT Job Request Form for recovery of files.
  2. Identifies systems breakdown.
  3. Conducts recovery activity.
  4. Gives user copy of recovered files.
  5. Records in the IT Job Request Form.

IV. List of Forms & Reports

A. Forms

  • Preventive Maintenance Schedule
  • Preventive Maintenance Checklist
  • Equipment History Card
  • IT Job Request Form

B. Reports - none

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