The Angles / Junior Angles
The Angles
The Angles is the official school organ of the ATHENEUM. It was established in the early 90’s in response to R.A. 7079 or the “Campus Journalism Act of 1991”. The Angles seeks to develop not just the journalistic writing skills of students but also to instill the values of a true Amcanian, especially that of being a critical thinker who is responsible and socially-sensitive to one’s community and nation.
Both students who wish to be part of the staff and students who were already an Angles staffer in the previous school year should take the annual qualifying exam. A promotion exam, on the other hand, is given to those previous staffers who would like to become part of the editorial board.
Angles staffers also take part in annual interschool Campus Journalism competitions such as Schools Press Conferences and Virtual Campus Journalism competitions.
The Junior Angles
The Junior Angles is Atheneum's official publication of the Prep and Elementary Department
- Students (from Grade 4 – 6) take qualifying exams.
- They undergo weekly journalism training to develop their writing skills.
- They write articles about the programs, contest, activities of the school which get published in the Junior Angles.
Competitions Staffer participants yearly in the Press Conference and Campus Journalism contest outside of Atheneum where they bring home numerous awards not only in the province of Cavite but in Regional Schools Press Conferences and the National Schools Press Conferences as well.
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